
Camden NJ Collective Nu-Treez Has Something New For The Ladies, But “Don’t Get It Twisted”

“Worlds away from this planet, planets away from this world…” -Nu-Treez

Wan-Miz, Pryme Mega, and JL Jupiter are the driving force that make up the Hip Hop collective Nu-Treez.  The group is based out of Camden, NJ but have claimed their stance globally with over 11 projects. The group is not only a powerhouse of lyricists, but each member adds their own talents including songwriting, production, and photography.

The group recently released a new single titled “Don’t Get It Twisted” and is available for streaming and purchase at Nu-Treez.  Within seconds of the record Wan-Miz and Pryme Mega ploy with lyrical swag reminiscent of that New Edition and Bobby Brown era. The two describe winning over the heart and mind of a real woman, one who know’s her worth.

This is a feel good record, something for both the fellas and the ladies.  A record traditional to Hip Hop and R&B roots. Stream “Don’t Get It Twisted” here.

Check out Nu-Treez deliver nothing but bars at UTM Radio’s Live Cypher 

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Nu-Treez /Official Website