
Doing Your Part | Chance The Rapper Meets With Governor of Illinois

Chance The Rapper is certainly on top of his game right now. With an upcoming tour, Grammy wins, headlining multiple festivals in 2017 and so much more, the Chicago and artist is everywhere! Chance takes his role as an artist and a father very seriously. His influence is big right and it seems as he’s using that influence and popularity to see what changes he can contribute to his home state and city of Chicago.

Chance met with the Governor of Illinois, Gov. Rauner, to discuss the current funding and state of Chicago Public Schools. After the 40 minute meeting, Chance spoke with press and it seems he was not very happy and even frustrated with the meeting. Chance reiterates that he’s a father himself, an after school teacher and that he cares about the kids! Chance feels as though people aren’t doing their jobs and the state is not putting enough effort, care and focus into the youth and CPS.

Check out his post meeting comments.

Although frustrated right now, Chance is using his influence and position to start conversations and do his part- which is probably whatever he can! Chance is capable of amazing things beyond music and I cant wait to see what he does! Thank you, Chance!