How is your Spirit? For real how often do you take a moment to speed down and slow up and tune in to all the components that make you, YOU? Spirit really be the key ingredient to how we engage with each other in this life. So, with all of that being said, Hi- It’s Me Dani Baby just out here “Living Vicariously Through Myself” . Lets go head and give y’all a synopsis on where I come from, how I choose to spend my time, and what enhances my Joy.
I come from the prairie lands of Wyoming where the town size barely hit the double digits with a whopping 54 members in it’s community, and a splash of religion- a cult- Yes I was raised in a cult. Poor, I was that too, but really that would be a benefit to me, cause I learned how do the most- with very little. As the Human experience would have it Trauma gave me direction, and I now understand myself beyond the “story” that was me. The me I am is a Queer, Non Binary, BIPOC being; incase you was wondering. So from the prairie to this big lil city of Denver the last 20 years I’ve maintained my wonder and curiosity, so that I may continue to learn about myself. See I’ve always fancied myself a collector of humans (they still alive I aint tryna be on Dateline) but you know the ones I’m talking bout- the Peculiar Folks. The Ones that provoke you to tune inward, the ones that instantly teach you something, the ones with an essence that completely captivates you and it becomes a must to know more. That right there is where I find my belonging- the learning of others, their talents , their behaviors, their existence. Spending so much time out collecting that Human Data observing these Peculiar Folks and Being One myself has me in deep desire to Connect. So here we gonna sit for a spell and learn bout ourselves by actively listening to these Peculiar Stories.
Stay Tuned as the stories unfold- they’re teaching us something.