My mind has become pretty consumed with my child, as it should, which is why making the time for a Ladies Night is so so important! A night to dress up a bit, have a few cocktails, eat good and share company with other women/moms.
A few months back a friend and I agreed that we NEEDED a night out to just break from the daily routines and feel some normalcy in this time of Covid-19. We decided to would schedule a dinner somewhere and invite whoever wanted to come. A couple nights ago was our 3rd Ladies Night Out dinner and it was SO FUN!
There was 8 of us, some knew each other, some didn’t but all the same we had a blast! We got to know each other, we talked about love life, babies, careers and all the things! It feels so good to be able to bond with other women and let loose- plus the cocktails are always a huge plus!
I always come home around 11pm and ! slept great! The next morning I felt totally fresh! I credit the night with the homegirls! It really makes a huge difference for me! So, for your mental health- don’t forget to make some time for a Ladies Night! We all need a little support, encouragement and laughs with the homegirls- and of course making new friends and connections is always positive!