Since the day I found out I was pregnant, I felt apart of this new awesome Mom society and connected with other women who were also mothers or moms-to-be. My pregnancy and labor story is one of my most favorite and personal experiences to share so when Nicki Minaj answered fan questions on Twitter about hers, I thought “YASSS! MOM GANG!”
Nicki Minaj had a son and yesterday she was proudly celebrating “Papa Bear’s” 3 months in the world. She hasn’t shared a picture of the baby boy or his name but refers to him as “Papa Bear” which is pretty damn cute.
In a series of Tweets, Nicki talks about how much her baby used to kick at night and always around the same time, how her water broke and how much more scared her baby’s father was than her! She, in the beginning, was craving the smell of bleach and that was an indication that she was indeed pregnant. She also tells fans about how she delivered- natural with an epidural (same as me) and the pain she felt by the time she gave birth (also same as me). She also talks about breastfeeding and how Ciara was a big support for her!
I love when artists/celebrities share their personal experiences with the world because so many of us can relate- ESPECIALLY the journey of becoming a mom!
So, welcome to the MOM GANG, Nicki!
Check out more of what she shared in Tweets below: