As we continue through this life and journey on, Nipsey is really still leaving his mark on people all around the world. I think it would be hard to come across a soul that doesn’t respect that name.
Legendary producer, Young Guru, took to his Instagram today to share a really touching experience he had on a flight to LA. He sat next to an older man, a father, on his flight who was wearing a Crenshaw hat. Eventually the two started speaking and it turns out Nipsey had given this man the hat personally while he was shopping at The Marathon store buying stuff for his son.
I don’t want to tell you every detail- you have to read it for yourself! This is really amazing! Check it out below:

How amazing was the impact Nipsey had on people JUST because he carried himself as a knowlegable, relatable, strong, confident man? He really was and continues to be so inspiring to so many of us regardless of age, race, loaction, etc.