
NEW MUSIC PREMIER! NYC’s Katiah Drops Funky New Project | Listen To ‘Elec.Tree.She. Tape’ Here!

Straight out of New York City, the very dope and very talented Katiah drops off his new project,  Elec.Tree.She. Tape. The project is filled with funky, electric, hip-hop produced songs with a car ride vibe.

In collaboration with FiveSe7en, the 10 track tape gives listeners an electric, melodic sound mixed perfectly with hip-hop flavor. Tracks like ‘Everything Is Crystal,’  ‘Wash Away’ and ‘Powell Boom Crack’ gives uplifting and fun lyrics- perfect tracks to start your day with! While other tracks like ‘Plan B,’ ‘In Your Own Outlet’ and ‘ToughStuff Builds’  take a look at lifestyle, choices, second chances, living the life you really want and how to get it.

Do yourself and favor and get hip to this funky, fly premier! Press play on Elec.Tree.She. Tape and then run it back again!