
Shawn Haynes – Concrete Dreams Vol 2 (EP)

Skyskraper Music Group presents R&B sensation Shawn Haynes ‘Concrete Dreams’ Volume 2 EP. The self-written 5-track project is sure to pull on heartstrings from beginning to end. Haynes delivers an ingenious blend of classic and contemporary R&B that exemplifies his flawless vocals.

“Make You Proud”, the coined track of the project is a tribute to women and mothers that affirms their selfless worth. Remember to show love and give flowers while they’re still here.

“Love” will take the ladies back to an era of R&B when men weren’t too macho to wear their hearts on their sleeves or express undeniable emotions of love. “Grateful” is yet another track that stands out as Haynes harmonizes all that he is thankful for and his feelings of being blessed even after collisions of fake friends and lost love.

It is evident through ‘Concrete Dreams’ Volume 2 just why Shawn Haynes is famed as today’s R&B sensation. His lyrics and smooth vocals continue to push authentic R&B to the forefront of music. Stream ‘Concrete Dreams’ Volume 2 and connect with Shawn Haynes below.

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