
The 32 Bar Challenge Turned Mixtape; CONTROVERSY Now Available For Download

A 32 bar challenge that started by Lil Bad turned into a city/statewide movement. Some of the dopest artist’s in the city as well as some of the less known artist’s all did a 32 bar challenge. Whethere they were just spitting bars or they were coming at other artist’s neck, they all came with it. Lil Bad and DJ Ktone took the some of the best one’s to form this mixtape/compilation. This is only part 1. 32 bars from artist’s like: Lil Bad, G-Slick, Esi Juey, Mr. Midas, L-Keys, Delta Boi, Ray Reed, Sta flo, Vague Looch and more. Straight from the streets of Denver/Aurora…. CONTROVERSY

Download the mixtape HERE! IMG_4050.JPG