
What Tupac Shakur Left Behind 18 Years Later

Today marks the anniversary of day hip-hop lost a solider. Tupac Shakur’s life was cut short 18 years ago this day. A tragic loss to his family, the world and to hip-hop.

But what did he leave behind? He left us so much! Tupac lives on through his music, his poetry and through the fans that represent him every day. He lives on through the people he inspired that credit and praise him.

Tupac was a poet far before he was a rapper. The poetry behind his music was strong, political and conscious because that’s the man he was. To this day his words are read, understood, relatable and lived by.

Although he left us an abundance of music and poems, this one is one of my favorites. This poem perfectly describes the hope and opportunity we have every day- every day is a new start and chance to do better. Check this beautiful piece of poetry below…

And 2Morrow
by Tupac Shakur

Today is filled with anger
fueled with hidden hate
scared of being outcast
afraid of common fate

Today is built on tragedies
which no one wants 2 face
nightmares 2 humanities
and morally disgraced

Tonight is filled with rage
violence in the air
children bred with ruthlessness
because no one at home cares

Tonight I lay my head down
but the pressure never stops
knawing at my sanity
content when I am dropped

But 2morrow I c change
a chance 2 build a new
Built on spirit intent of Heart
and ideals
based on truth

and tomorrow I wake with second wind
and strong because of pride
2 know I fought with all my heart 2 keep my
dream alive.

Rest in paradise Tupac, thank you for what you left us.
